A new vision document for the South Bank and Waterloo neighbourhood has been launched summarising Partnership members’ shared and collective commitments to 2030.

South Bank and Waterloo Vision 2030 focuses on three themes: an inclusive place, a place of opportunity and a net carbon zero neighbourhood covering topics from safety and security and accessibility to economic prosperity, growth and development, jobs, skills and learning, climate resilience and improving the environment. 

The Vision brings together existing Londonwide, borough and local plans, as well as those under development, in one place, while the longer timeframe than previous Partnership Manifestos provides longevity over political change and the ability to align with other critical programmes. 

South Bank and Waterloo Vision 2030 provides clear priorities signposted for all partners to achieve our collectivevision of a green and thriving South Bank and Waterloo for everyone. 

Read the South Bank and Waterloo Vision 2030.Â